McCoy Web Development
Employee Management
PHP server language operating on Codeinighter framework. Created a full application.
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Developed and implicated an Employee Management and a Job Application website. The Employee Management program allows the employer to track the employees' schedule, their check-in and check-out times, as well as looking at the employees’ regular schedule and any overtime hours. The employer then has the options to approve the overtime hours and make any adjustments if needed. The Job Application site is divided into twelve sections, which comprise the new employee application. After the prospective applicant completes each section, it is automatically saved to the database. This allows the applicant to fill out any part of the application, then continue later if they are logged out of the system. This process begins after the client puts in their name, date of birth, and address.
The Relics
PHP server language operating Word Press framework. Created the backend and a new WP's theme.
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Created a marketing web site using PHP server language and Word Press framework. I created a new theme under Word Press standards (CSS, JavaScript with some PHP) Working Word Press application and theme by converting a photo shop image to a website. This website includes a custom in-house three layer Parallax feature which each layer moves at different speeds. I added in various plugins and customized one of them to meet the client’s needs. One of the plugin enabled the user to upload one picture which is associated with the writers’ story in the application view (Backend).